The Russian Revoultion of 1917 was a fascinating story of an imperfect idealogy married to popular discontent that resulted in an inconceivably worst system that inflicted decades of misery on its population. As the revolution "progessed" the various leaders spent a lot of their time and energy eliminating each other. A great example is Leon Trotsky, who as the founder and first leader of the Red Army (among his other accomplishments) was murdered in his mexican home in 1940 with an ice axe (ick.). His fate sealed by his acrimoneous relationship with history's greatest monster Josef Stalin, what I find interesting is, that without his early efforts the success that Lenin and others achieved in building the communist party might not of been achieved.
Flash forward to today and take a look at the slow motion and very public evisceration of Peter Mckay over the F35 fiasco. For the record I don't blame Peter McKay, Stephen Harper or pretty much anyone else in Canada for this mess. Dwight Eisenhowser warned the world all those years ago about the military industrial complex in the US, Canada is just another dog being wagged by the tail in this respect. This deal was probaly going wacky before the ink dried. No the lesson from history is that Peter McKay is quite simply Stephen Harpers Trotsky and although I am pretty sure he is safe from an ice axe the principle of keeping your friends close - your enemies closer has never been more true.
Simply put without Peter Mckay's agreement to merge the Alliance party with the Progressive Conservatives (how Canadian is that name eh!) the present day Conservative party would not exist. So at best McKay is an embarrassing memory of when our fearless leader was not the master of his domain. At worst he is an heir in waiting for a king who has no intention of setting aside his crown. So what happens next? Peter McKay will end up "shuffled" to another portfolio, lots more woman will get cabinet jobs and the F35 fiasco (which McKay will take the fall for) will now be blamed on greedy American companies as Harper now makes a stirring example of cabinet loyalty. Cue the inspiring music and lets have a May Day parade..
Peter? My advice - hold off ordering pizza for a while.